Soon be home from Australia.
Not too long to go before I am back

Nothing much to report from beautiful Townsville in Queensland, Australia re machine knitting, (not surprisingly) especially when you experience the high temperatures here. I love visiting my son and family but I miss my knitting machines- however, it won't be long before I return, having missed most but not all of the miserable Breton winter. It looks as though its been raining non stop - just hope my precious stuff in the knitting shed is still dry and in good condition.
Collecting and storing knitting machines
Collecting and storing vintage machines aint for the faint hearted, I can confirm that in no uncertain terms. Keeping my shed mouse free is one of the many problems I face on a daily basis and of course with yarn especially older stuff there is the constant moth problem. The humidity in Brittany also means a constant battle against rust. All that said and done, I still love 'em all.
Facebook Knitting Machine Forums
Looking at all the Facebook forums lately, it never ceases to amaze me just how many beautiful garments and stitch patterns achieved by machine knitters from all over the world. Some of the innovative techniques are quite simply mind boggling. I have been away for a couple of months and will return to the knitting shed with fresh enthusiasm
Passap E6000
The pic below highlights a wonderful edge to a fantasy fairisle jersey from my archives, it was knitted on a Passap E6000 and in 3 colours. The pattern came from one of the many magazines, I have stored away. Must look it out again, you had to drop the work off the bed to achieve the lacy look.
