Lace and Designaknit
Brother 940 with Designaknit and cable

For the last couple of days I have been attempting a couple of things with Designaknit. The first thing was to draft a chart for a transfer lace design I had considered using, and this I did successfully. Once it was in and saved I then downloaded it into the Brother 940 machine and then it was simply knitting the pattern. Cannot say I was overly impressed with the technique of thread lace as unless you use a very similar colour it seems to shadow it quite a bit. Basically I knitted a few swatches and decided I did not like the texture or the look and moved on. Typical of me.

The next thing I took a look at was a pattern for a lace hem, so I could try out the drafting of a design into Designaknit in lace – something I have had great problems with in the past. So I after drawing in the simple hem design – took about 10 minutes to get it right, I then saved and downloaded the design into the machine. Set the machine to knit but what a hassle. Such a simple pattern should have taken me a short time to test it, however it would not knit. So I posted on facebook when one of the posters came up with a suggestion. This was to start the main carriage (not the lace carriage) from the left hand side set to KCII – she thoug
ht the problem might be that the lace pattern selection started from the left hand side. So I tried this and believe it or not, it was successful.
One row with the main carriage set to KCII then start normally with the lace carriage and in no time the hem was knitted with ease. Why the pattern started from the right, I have no idea and perhaps if I had just ran the lace carriage across and disconnected it from the main bed and taken it to the left, that would have worked, but that’s for another time. I will continue to test Designaknit with lace as and when I have the time.