Social Media

Just a general update on the website, I have just had my first interaction with Facebook - there are good forums on there and they are active with lots of interesting comments.
I have to thank the lady who recommended that I join Facebook to promote the use of the website My page on facebook can be reached here.
Talking about Facebook forums, I was actually just thinking about responding to a post when I suddenly thought, I wonder if this accessory will fit this machine - did a quick search and came up with this very useful page from the China Creation Group re Knitmaster and its other names ie Singer, Silver Reed and Studio - its now printed and on my wall as a quick reference - I have about every accessory for knitting machines and to be honest Knitmaster accessories are the best - especially the colour changer.
Seriously take a look at this if you own the above machines.
The post was about a lady who wanted to just knit scarves and did not want patterning capabilities and wanted a chunky or bulky machine. If I was knitting scarves, my choice would be a standard gauge and probably Brother as they have lace capabilities that are second to none - the other great thing about standard gauge is the price of the yarns plus the capability to use a colour changer for slip stitch etc.
I have only one chunky machines and it does not get a lot of use, mainly because its a heavy thing to put up but more importantly its pretty restricting in the choice of yarns you use. But that's machine knitting for you - if you are having problems with your sight or struggling with arthritic hands - then this is probably the gauge for you - but it is heavy to push.