Knitting Machine Museum
Welcome to the virtual knitting machine museum which highlights my collection of vintage and modern knitting machines.
My name is Maggi Bloice and I live in the Ille-et-Vilaine in Brittany, France. Although born in London, I lived most of my working life in the Pitlochry and Aberfeldy area in Scotland and once retired, moved to Brittany in 2003. I started collecting knitting machines in the late 1980's and my first ever knitting machine was a Knitmaster 302 which I bought when I was around 20.
With respect to the gallery of knitting machines above - to open up further choices, simply touch or hover your cursor to the right of the gallery and it will rotate the pictures. For further information simply click on the picture of your choice which provides a link – this will provide even more indepth info on the machine that interests you.
Maintaining the collection is a full time job and it keeps me busy but so far I enjoy every minute of it. Besides my knitting machines I have an interesting archive and library of letters, patterns, books, magazines (some dating back from the 1930’s) and many associated accessories and gadgets. I am still on the lookout for unusual machines but because of the size of the collection, I have to be a lot more selective nowadays. Now and again I get time for actually knitting and the more complex and challenging the pattern, the more inclined I am to have a go - in a nutshell, I love thought provoking patterns.
If you are a member of Facebook then the many knitting machine forums give food for thought with skilled machine knitters offering a broad spectrum of what can be achieved with a knitting machine - take a look, it may surprise you!
My workshop updates are highlighted in my blog and on the facebook page and can contact me via the email address below:
Finally, If you happen to be on holiday or live in my area and you would like to see the collection simply get in touch.